Smart Contracts


A token contract is simply a smart contract. A ERC-20 token contract is defined by the contractโ€™s address and the total supply of tokens available to it but has several optional items that are usually provided as well to provide more detail to users. These are the tokenโ€™s name, its symbol, and the number of decimals. ERC-20: the most widespread token standard for crypto assets on BNB Chain.


The factory design pattern is a pretty common pattern used in programming. The idea is simple, instead of creating objects directly, you have the Factory that creates objects for you. In the case of a Factory smart contract, an object is a smart contract, so a factory will deploy new contracts for you.


The easiest way to securely exchange tokens is to interact with the router, which provides many methods to securely exchange "to" and "from" different assets. It is essential to understand that the router performs both the exchange of token A to token B, as well as the exchange of token A + token B to AB LP tokens and vice versa. Since routers are stateless and do not store token balances, they can be safely replaced if necessary. This can happen if more efficient smart contract models are discovered or if additional functionality is needed.


The Masterchef contract is the core of the functionality that is provided by the project. It controls emission rates, minting, pools, deposit fees, etc. If you stake your BSW to BSW-BSW Launchpools or your LP tokens to the farm, they will be sent to the Masterchef address. The Masterchef is owned by the timelock, meaning that all significant changes to the Masterchef must go through the timelock first.


A timelock is a smart contract that delays function calls of another smart contract after a predetermined amount of time has passed. Timelocks are primarily used in the context of governance to add a delay in administrative actions and are generally considered a strong indicator that a project is legitimate and demonstrates a commitment to the project by project owners.

Here are the reasons for implementing a timelock:

  • Project owners give up control to provide more guarantees to the community

  • Timelocks allow investors to exit the protocol in time if necessary

  • Project admins are required to be transparent with holders/investors


With this address, every user can track our team's transactions. 9% of tokens from each block are sent to this address, according to our Tokenomics.