💯$NOVA Tokenomics

  • Max Supply: 1000 000 000 NOVA tokens

  • Start of Supply: from 100 000 000 NOVA tokens (allocated for the initial liquidity, marketing, and strategic partnership purposes)

  • Contract Address: 0x965f527d9159dce6288a2219db51fc6eef120dd2

$NOVA token is 100% fairly launched, no investment share, no reservation, 100% mining production, 100% released in 180 day, mining output speed is determined by the community voting decision

Following the results of the community voting that took place between 2023.12.23 and 2023.12.28, the current distribution of NOVA tokens 3472 $NOVA per minute

All further changes to the distribution of $NOVA tokens per block will only be made via community voting.

What is a Maximum Supply?

Cryptocurrencies and tokens built on a blockchain have set up algorithmically created release schedules. This means we can accurately predict how many coins will be made by a specific time.

Max supply — the coins/tokens that will be ever produced. As soon as the maximum supply is reached, there will be no more of these coins or tokens minted.

The maximum supply of NOVA tokens is 1000 000 000

Total supply — tokens/coins that exist now. They can be in circulation or somehow locked.

The formula for calculating is quite simple 🔽

The sum of tokens/coins that were already mined (or issued) MINUS the total of coins that were burned or destroyed = Total Supply

What is a Circulating Supply?

Circulating supply — the tokens/coins that are publicly available and circulating in the market. It is possible for a cryptocurrency circulating supply to increase or decrease over time.

The formula for calculating 🔽

Total supply MINUS the Reserve Fund (Team, NFT Earn, Investment Funds, Fee Return Rewards) = Circulating Supply

What is Market Capitalization?

Market Capitalization (or Market Cap) in the blockchain industry refers to a measure of cryptocurrency market size or, in other words, the crypto asset's value.

The formula for calculating 🔽

Calculating Supply MULTIPLY BY the price of the crypto asset = Market Cap

Last updated